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  1. There is nothing in that book to help with changing parameters in regard to high stall tune mods.
  2. Going forward, I won't to reply to messages asking for tune help, until it's paid for up front.

    I've spent hundreds of hours, probably closer to thousands, helping people for free. I've released information to the community that tuners would have charged hundreds for. My dyno, my parts and time put into developing the territory, my tools, mortgage, kids etc etc, don't pay for themselves. Yeah I wanna help, but people have taken too much.

    There's more to this story and I'm not naming names but there are several.

    I have my own dyno and tools and don't have anyone telling me to hurry up and send it out the door. You get what you pay for and the people that pay nothing are getting exactly that.

    On a positive note I actually charge less than any workshop out there....for now ;)

  3. I'll let him know, we can try a read but I'd rather have the info beforehand. This guy is in SA, he might be interested in helping in regard to development, I'll see what he wants to do.
  4. Literally had a guy with a 2024 Mustang ask the question when I posted this. Yeah or nah?
  5. Try deleting cookies for this site on your devices, could be some fuckery going on there.
  6. I just downloaded both links, I use firefox on my desktop
  7. Sometimes I have to log out and log in again for stuff to work, even tho it shows me as logged in. Also have issues with the messaging part, it won't go to the inbox most of the time and I have to click the message directly or whatever. Broken forum is broken, too much boost for the stock forum rods
  8. I've used that style on my turbo territory, they work fine.
  9. Is there support for this vehicle? @Roland@pcmtec @Scott@pcmtec
  10. You know what gives more boost up high and less in the middle? A bigger farken turbo 🫣
  11. https://www.proflow.com.au/injector-converter-male-bosch-2-pin-to-denso-high?srsltid=AfmBOooRC8TO-u0jlaWZu21gWlMAETxPhT3QoKalazdBSJt8DcUegTlq
  12. There is already a write up regarding using that output as a window switch. It was gonna get removed from the program if no one was using it, so don't know if it still works. If the output can't drive a mac valve you could always use a relay.
  13. That's an interesting idea and I can't think of a single thing that can go wrong! But on a serious note it might add more boost or it might add nothing, depending on how much the controlled leak can flow from the boost tee. It should work how you think it will tho.
  14. I would start by changing ZF00505 to 2000. Change the other 5 under it the same. You can get away with changing ZF02917 to 749.4, also the 2 under it and ZF02917 also. This might be all you need to do to get it sorted. Send me your haltech file, I have one also and I can have a better look etc. Send a log too, that will help diagnose.
  15. Dunno if or how you can have the trans not select 1st, but you can turn it into a 4 speed which is more suited for drag racing. https://www.beefcakeracing.com/pbh-tr-2019/ https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LD772iPmDMcs1RORL8YwH1gEv_BEtkYf/edit
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