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PCMTEC Editor Version 0.63 Release Notes (Return to stock/UI Update)


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PCMTEC Editor Version 0.63 has now been released as of 18/5/18

To download please login then visit https://www.pcmtec.com/downloads This page is only available for customers who have purchased the full version of the software (Enthusiast, Professional and Workshop).

The demo has been updated to version 0.63 which can be downloaded here (you must be registered and logged in) https://www.pcmtec.com/demo

0.63 Is a major update that includes the following new features and improvements.

  • Return To Stock / Create Stock File Wizard / Calibration Merge
  • Change History / Compare Logic Rewritten with Partial Compare
  • UI Layout improvements
  • Updated Search with history
  • Table view absolute difference, highlight difference compare.

Return To Stock / Create Stock File Wizard

The return to stock wizard is a major addition and offers the 3 following wizards that are available to professional and workshop customers. Enthusiast customers can upgrade to pro for the price difference.


Create Stock File From Existing File:

This allows you to take an existing read from a vehicle that has a known vehicle strategy and build a stock file from this. This is similar to using OEM tools to load OEM PHF/VBF files however we provide everything you need to do this automatically.

Once you load in an existing file, the program will automatically extract the strategy/catch code of the vehicle and download the stock file from our database. It will then merge your serial number/vin and VID block into the stock file to give you a licensed file you can flash straight into your vehicle. This is very useful for tuners who have a car come into the workshop with an unknown tune which they would like to start from scratch with. No more towing the car to your local dealership to have the PCM reflashed to stock!


Create Stock File From Strategy or Catchcode:

This function is perfect for when a vehicle comes into your workshop with a PCM that has been tuned and you are not sure if what is in the car is the correct operating system or not. In this case you can simply enter the teartag/catchcode from the drivers door and have a stock file built for you.

Another use for this function is you know you have a specific car coming in over the coming days and you would like to build a base tune ready for the vehicle. You can punch in the catch code and have a stock file built ready to build a base tune before the customer turns up saving you time.

If you already have a read of the customers vehicle you can merge the VID/VIN/Serial in ahead of time when creating the file. If not you can use the manual merge later on to build a licensed file.




Manually Merge VID/VIN/Serial/Calibration

This wizard allows you to manually merge the calibration/VID block and VIN of various compatible files. This can be useful if you have a base tune you would like to use in a different vehicle. In this example you would load your base tune as file 1 and load a read of the customers vehicle as file 2.

You could then simply merge the VID/Serial only to create a licensed file for the customer, or you could merge the entire calibration if the operating systems are the same.

Another example is you have created a stock file using the catch code the night before to make a base tune, now the customer has turned up and you have done a read of their vehicle and wish to merge their licensing information (Serial/VIN/VID) to license the base tun you created.

If the processor types or operating systems do not match there is error handling to ensure you do not create a corrupted file.


Change History/Compare

The change history and compare view logic has been completely rewritten to improve the usability of the program.

Now you can easily click on multiple entries and click apply without the screen reloading each time. The screen also updates live showing changes as they are made.

For example you can now press control + left mouse button to select multiple items to apply at once. When you select a top level node all of the items within that node are correctly selected. Once the items are applied they will disappear from the change history.

Shift + left mouse button will select all items between the currently selected item and the mouse.

Expanding individual tree items will now automatically scroll the screen to display the entire expanded tree.


Partial Compare

Partial compare is a simple yet huge improvement to the file compare system. An example is as follows:

You have two tunes HACCKGA and HADCHM5 both with only changes made to the injector slopes. Traditionally if you were to compare these two files you would see a huge number of differences due to the different operating systems. If you select "Load partial compare" the compare system will only display parameters which are different to stock. In this case you would only see the injector slope differences appear in the change history view.

This allows you to effectively build value files as you can simply do a partial compare then select all (control + A) and press apply. This ensures you only copy the values that have been modified from stock.

This function now means you can build a database of files with simple changes eg injectors only, spark only, load axis and rpm axis rescaled, save them as individual files and copy the changes over from each file build a base tune very quickly.

Table View

The table view has had the maths parameters moved to the left to speed up using the maths tool bar


 There are now two different compare modes. Show absolute differences between stock/compare file and current. And highlight differences. This makes it easier to quickly see where a table has been changed from stock.



Return to stock right click. If you accidentally make a mistake or want to revert part of a table you can now highlight individual cells and click "Return to stock" this will revert ONLY those cells to their stock value.



Search has been improved massively with the addition of the search modifier radio buttons. Now the search has 3 modes, AND, OR, EXACT

The default search mode is AND. This means all words typed into the search bar must be found in the parameter for it to be displayed, they can be in any order

OR: This means if any of the words are found in the parameter it will be displayed. This was the previous default mode which meant a large number of irrelevant parameters would be shown.

EXACT: This mode means the parameter must contain the phrase exactly as you typed to be shown.

These new search modes can be found on the navigator, change history/compare and also the scalar lists.

NOTE: These new search modes only appear in the Visual Studio 2017 Dark and White themes at this stage. If you are using a different theme please let us know. We are working on adding them to all of the themes automatically in the next interim release.


Search now has history that is retained between sessions. This means you can easily find recently searched for items.



The navigator now has a right click menu to allow you to filter only items that have been modified against the stock calibration. This makes it very fast to find areas you have recently been editing and tuning.



You can now cancel a flash read and don't have to wait for the read to complete.

Bug Fixes:

  • Memory leak fixed when the editor was left open for hours and hundreds of tables were opened after each other.
  • Compare/Change History View columns and spacing further improved.
  • Close buttons would appear greyed out until you clicked on them in some instances.
  • Flash progress view wouldn't update until the user clicked at least once.
  • Flash progress view would show 99.7% and not 100% despite 100% being completed.
  • Change history now updates live correctly.


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