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PCMTEC Editor Version 1.11 Release Notes - Dynamic Units


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We are happy to announce we are finally into version 1.xx and have removed the Beta title! This is thanks to our QA team (Andrei) who has spent the past few months going through the software finding as many bugs and usability issues as possible.

Version 1.11 brings the following new features.

User Configurable Units

After many requests we have now implemented dynamic units which will now let you use metric units instead of imperial! This is thanks to Scott who has spent the past two months implementing this feature.

When opening a 2D table you will see the following new options available in the right click context menu.

X axis - Units

Y axis - Units

Z - Units

In the case of desired boost we have changed the Z units from inHg to psi


Scalars can now be changed via their appropriate dropdown menu items. Here we have changed the injector slopes from their default of lb/s to lb/hr


We also now have the ability to bulk change all units. Eg you can change the units of all temperature scalars and tables from °F to °C by utilising the new bulk change units drop down menu.


Paste Special

We have now added an excel like Paste Special menu to the right click context menu. This allows add, subtract, multiple, multiply by % and Y-Axis inversion (for those of you who can't get away from using other products!).


Multiply by % does the following. Lets say you datalog LTFT and end up with the following errors


By using the "multiply by %" when you paste, it will multiply the cells by the equivalent percentage. Eg add 1% for the top left cell and subtract 3% for the middle cells.


The performance of opening 2D views has been massively improved this release. You should see a 200-300% improvement in loading speed now.

Stock File Downloads

We have fixed the stock file download blocking opening and licensing of a file until the download has finished. On slow connections this could often block the user for several minutes. Now this is done in the background so that if you have a slow internet connection you can still continue tuning.


Whilst not available in this release we have made a large amount of progress with the datalogger thanks to our new staff member Matt. He has been busy adding USB analog input support to allow widebands and any other analog input to be datalogged. We have decided to skip the initial release of the datalogger and hold off until we have analog input support hence the delay in releasing the datalogging software.

We are using the following USB analog input cable (8 analog inputs) which has been proven in the field with the Nistune (Nissan Tuning) software. The product is approximately $40 delivered (next delay delivery in Australia) which makes it an excellent cost effective analog input module.


Other Improvements:

  • Improved licensing popup message when a custom OS was enabled. This makes it clear you are paying for the Custom OS only and not being charged to license the entire vehicle again.
  • Removed the VIN from the licensing model. Licensing is now locked to OSID and PCM Serial only now. This allows you to correct invalid or wrong VINs without having to contact support now.
  • Silent save (of change history and partial write information) no longer updates the file date stamp, this means sorting by date now accurately shows when you last changed a file.
  • BA Partial write now works on all flash types (some early BAs use a different internal flash chip).
  • The licensing model has been modified to only use the Serial and Operating System ID. Previously we also used the VIN. This means you are now free to change the VIN of the vehicle without relicensing.
  • Added "Upload currently open file" option to the help menu to allow you to easily upload the currently open tune to support. Any tunes uploaded will only be used for providing support and will remain the IP of the original user. If requested we will delete the tune from our server after providing support.

Bug Fixes:

  • Blocked user from "Exporting all changes to parameter file" when there was no stock file to compare with. This sometimes resulted in users producing parameter files with unexpected values due to there being no baseline history to compare to.
  • Editor would crash if you changed the theme whilst a large scalar list was visible under certain conditions.
  • Fixed rare crash when opening and saving files on certain PC configurations.
  • Fixed the editor exiting immediately after open on some rare PC configurations.
  • Strategy search inside of "Strategy List" would hide all filtered results, it now simply highlights them instead.
  • Disabled the ability to perform a partial compare if either file is lacking stock file history to compare against. In the cases where one file was lacking stock history this would show strange compare results.
  • Pasting VIN numbers into the VIN field now works correctly.
  • Enabling custom os on a TEC file that had been previously tuner locked would remove the tuner lock. Tuner lock is now automatically added back.
  • If you attempting to overwrite a tuner locked PCM with a stock file an error occured "You cannot merge the VIN from a tuner locked file". This is now resolved.
  • Fixed a stock file download bug which in rare circumstances would get stuck in a loop downloading files over and over.
  • Fixed an SSL certificate mis match warning which occured due to our hosting provider issuing a new certificate.
  • Fixed several deadlocks that could occur locking the UI from being used.
  • Fixed several unhandled exceptions which could occur.
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1.11 can be downloaded now, ensure you are logged into the website to download


0.75 will continue to work side by side 1.11 until the QA process is finished.

edit: 1.11 is officially out of QA and has been released. 0.75 should no longer be used as there may be incompatibilities with the newer files.

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The install went kinda funny.

Where i was expecting a green load bar graphic, it was frozen and grey, then it finished up ok. It also wouldn't open the program until i restarted my pc.

I did have a game crash earlier, without restarting it, so perhaps that was why. 

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On 3/30/2019 at 9:19 AM, wayno1 said:

Can anyone recommend and Australian distributor for http://www.dlpdesign.com/usb/io8.php everywhere i found its around the $60-70 delivered, thanks

digikey will do free shipping over $60 so maybe do a group purchase, I bought 4 and got them 2-3 days later.


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On 3/30/2019 at 6:15 PM, Puffwagon said:

Pm sent. Also forgot to add that I use Kaspersky.

For anyone who is reading the problem Puffwagon found was that our NGEN (native image installer) executed after the intaller finished and took quite some time which could appear as if the installer had crashed. It now runs asyncronously after the installer has exited so you may see 20-50 instances of ngen.exe in task manager for serveral minutes after doing a fresh install.

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I had planned to cut up a serial cable to wire into the aerial outputs on my AEM X series wideband (plus a serial to USB adaptor). I'm assuming what you guys have done with the above thingo is to use the 0-5v analogue output on whatever wideband you are using.

I might go your route instead. That unit looks neat and I'd probably wire it permanently and leave it tucked up under the dash.

Getting excited about data logging!

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I would like to add individual USB/Serial support later however initially we will simply support the IO8 cable. So in that case you will need to run an analog wire to it along with a ground.

Analog inputs are prone to ground offsets, so the serial direct from the AEM X Series will give you more accurate data, but only once we support it. This support will depend on how many workshops use them and request it so 0-5v input will be what you need to wire up.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There is a minor update out. Current version is now 1.11.7047.18014

Bug Fixes:

  • This fixes a crash that would occur if you opened a PCM+TCM file and attempted to compare it to a TCM only file. This is now fixed.
  • Log file would sometimes not flush all contents to disk if the application closed after a large operation had just completed. (this only affects us)
  • Loading multiple compare files and then closing them would cause errors to be shown in the log despite no error occuring.
  • Scalars that display as a drop down menu could have the stock value "changed". The dropdown is now disabled for these. This was cosmetic only.
  • A non error regarding "Get IP Address ran in UI Thread" was sometimes uploading log files despite no error occuring.
  • Energy/Torque Equations where back to front for some uncommon units.

This can be downloaded from the website. Ensure you are logged in first.


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