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  1. Being that you've verified the flash tool is good you are chasing a gremlin in the car. Before a suggestion of pulling the ecm and rigging up a bench harness, try Forscan to read or write your ecm and do some data logging. If that doesn't work reliably it's definitely the car. Next thing after that is ecm or loom hence a suggestion of pulling the ecm.
  2. Genuine Tatrix? Something is very wrong. How big do your data log files end up?
  3. It's not cheap. It's 10 credits if you go with a multi-tune
  4. Don't ask to many questions lol
  5. Log what boost it makes now on a good pull. Follow the how-to guide to get it into open loop boost control. Set the open loop duty cycle table to nothing and slowly introduce some numbers back into it. Perfect way for you to get your feet wet. I could be mistaken, I have a feeling the guide mentions to raise up the desired boost and increase the over boost timer. Leave those 2 things stock for your protection.
  6. Nice. You can tickle up your turbo settings a little. Just got to be careful without knock ears and a wideband.
  7. Different turbos right. Probs best to copy over the xr6 settings. Thing is, it'll invalidate the spark table. Different boost ramps etc. Not ideal. It seems like a good idea to load a f6 tune in, but in reality you gain nothing over a properly tuned xr6 tune anyway. Good learning curve for ya.
  8. Nothing in the compare to note. Ideally make both tunes identical, flash them in, confirm again your fault, pull the bins out and compare the differences in a hex editor. There should only be a small handful of differences in the normal spots. Are you set up to pull bins? Bench harness, decent power supply, flash utility? On the other hand that may all be for naught as pcmtec support would be able to see both bins in the .tec files you sent in. Presuming that's what Darryl did in the first instance.
  9. O2 sensors are designed to operate around stoich. You can bias the voltage settings (auF0183 amongst others) to effect a minor change, however I feel you have another issue showing its head though. What are your trims like when it's doing it? Pegged lean?
  10. Option 2 is load the f6 file as a compare file and copy everything across except injector and vid settings.
  11. open or closed loop?
  12. hjtrbo

    Hi flow cat

    Turn off the rear o2 sensor code should do it.
  13. Would cost an a2l for a commercial license
  14. @Roland@pcmtec Click and drag is supported. Enter point select mode, then enable drag mode. The buttons are on the tool bar. Can also point drag by holding down the ctrl key from memory? Caviet. There's still a few bugs, I don't think the code base as is would be suitable as a commercial grade release without more robust testing.
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