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Everything posted by Roland@pcmtec

  1. I would check all your dash pot settings against the v8 model then
  2. You possibly have an air leak. Does it idle at the set point? Pull the intake off and see what the throttle is doing. It could be sticking.
  3. This is commonly referred to as throttle hang. Did you change the throttle maps over? The airflow map is most likely ass about now and it is pegging at minimum airflow however minimum airflow is obviously way too much. You could probably hack up dashpot to fix it but to fix it properly you'll need all the ETC and throttle related stuff fixed. Basically the engine is emulating an idle air valve using the throttle body itself, however the minimum airflow figure is now a lot higher due to the larger throttle blade.
  4. Yep you can confirm by logging the throttle angle. Most cars will be full throttle before you hit the switch.
  5. Depends how the calculation works. It might be correct depending on how it is used.
  6. The issue is the phantom knock can be quite severe. How many degrees does it pull? You can adjust the sensitivity by I've personally never looked into this, it's soemthing you'd have to experiment with.
  7. Not really sure what the scenario is.
  8. What do you mean start decelling?
  9. How do you know there is no knock? Do you have knock ears? They knock constantly when stock as the computer will keep adding timing until it does.
  10. The colours are just the scale. Big numbers are one colour and smaller numbers are another.
  11. Just reduce the max timing in the knock retard table.
  12. Most people recommend keeping the torque numbers stock.
  13. We will pull the mainline dyno figures and display them in our software. So you will simply need a y cable. This will be something that comes in a later update.
  14. Does the g6e have a burble on shift stock?
  15. Post up what your model vehicle is and also the strategy. Also what is the strategy of a vehicle with the burble that you are comparing it to.
  16. Yeah right now this is something that will work and only took me half a day to draw up. Can bus will take us a few weeks so its lower priority than the datalogger and the next software update.
  17. This is what the stoichometric vs volts (currently E85%) table will look like for circuit 3. That might help explain it a little.
  18. There are only 3 possible options. Danny Pirrotta will look at building a kit for all 3 including a value file so that people don't have to understand how it works. It will simply "just work". Circuit 1 4 Position switch in the cabin (no flex fuel). Position 1 E85 High Boost Position 2 E85 Low Boost Position 3 98 High Boost Position 4 98 Low boost Circuit 2: Uses a rotary potentiometer in the cabin (no flex fuel) E85 with variable boost (0-100% boost) 98 with variable boost (0- 80% boost or whatever you desire) Circuit 3: 2 position switch in the cabin (utilises the flex fuel kit) Position 1 Flex fuel with high boost Position 2 Flex fuel with low boost
  19. It would be something like 0 to 0.7 v is the low boost and 0.8v to 1.5v would be high boost. So you would divide the resolution. I would then use a 3 pole switch to toggle between the normal flex setup to this. It's a bit tricky to work out the resistor values do I might wait and see if there is any demand for it first. Have to get my old electrical engineering books out to do the maths for the values. The alternative is get the can bus input working instead.
  20. The two scenarios described wouldn't work with flex. A third scenario would be to use a flex fuel sensor and a high/low boost switch. I will add a diagram for this as well.
  21. The single pole 4 position switch. It has 4 positions E85 high, E85 low, 98 high, 98 low. You then setup the fuel and boost ramps as per the photo of the whiteboard. I will make up sample tables in the editor shortly.
  22. You use a single input. See the wiring diagram and blend tables.
  23. You bought the discounted version with only 3 credits.
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