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Everything posted by Roland@pcmtec

  1. Do a compare to the SCT tune. What differences do you see? There are literally hundreds of things that could be wrong. Personally I would start tuning the car entirely from first principles. Eg ensure your injectors are dialled in with stock cams. Lock the cams in the software and tune each speed density row one at a time. Tuning cams properly will take you a solid 1-2 weeks of R&D. Throwing in higher compression and porting etc means you have a big job ahead of you as none of the standard tables will work. You will need to redo all of your speed density and spark maps. This means you need a dyno. How have you dialled in the speed density tables to start with? Are you working with injector data that is known to be good on that motor? Eg without cams, are you confident the injectors would result in a less than +-5% trims? Has the VCT system been modified to support the higher ramp rate of the camshafts? If not are you getting a large VCT cam error? If you are getting a large error you will need to either modify the VCT system or lock the cams. If you don't have your injectors dialed in with a stock motor, then you have no way of knowing which is out, the speed density or your injector data. You will be chasing your tail for months (literally months) without this. Finally you say it sounds like it has no compression. Have you done a hot compression test? Maybe the VCT system is failing.
  2. The workshop package includes a full calibration list that is searchable by injector slopes, diff ratios etc. Example screenshot below. Here are some common strategies and catchcodes should you wish to see what Ford do from the factory. These can be accessed by Professional or Workshop users. I6s HAAT0V6 / A3VA 4.0L BA F6 Manual 2004 (Extra VCT controls) HAAT3VC / A3VC 4.0L BA F6 Manual (Extra VCT Controls) HACCKU6 / A5UJ 4.0L BF 2007 NA Automatic HACCKV4 / A7VD 4.0L BF 2007 NA Automatic LPG HAEDJG4 / B8GJ 4.0L FG F6 2008 Automatic HAER1UB / UEAB 4.0L FGX Sprint 2016 (all automatics) V8s HABN9L2 / A3LA 5.4L BA GT Automatic HADCEE3 /B5EC 5.4L BF 2005 Automatic HADCEF3 / B5FC 5.4L BF 2005 Manual HADCEG3 / B5GC 5.4L BF GT Boss 290 (high compression) Manual HAFDDR8 / B8RF 5.4L FG 2008 Automatic HAFDDS7 / B8SF 5.4L FG 2008 Manual HAFFBD2 / B0DF 5.0L FG Supercharged Manual HAFFBE2 / B0EF 5.0L FG Supercharged Automatic HAFH4CD /CBCD 5.0 FG GTF Supercharged FPV 351 Manual Ute HAFJ2Y2 / CBLA 5.0 FG Supercharged FPV 351 Manual Sedan HAFJ1K2 / CBKA 5.0 FG Supercharged FPV 351 Automatic HAFK0XB / XEAB 5.0L FGX Sprint 2016 Auto HAFK0VA,/ VEAA 5.0L FGX Sprint 2016 Manual
  3. Falcon Torque Control Explained. IMPORTANT: Flat shifting and launch control can destroy axles, diff bushes and tailshafts if they are standard. Make sure you are ok with the possibility of replacing these. It is recommended to install a diff hat at a minimum and ensure you have no axle tramp. The Falcon PCM works on torque. Normally under normal conditions eg no cruise control, no over temp, no traction control, no rpm limiting it will source torque from "driver demand", eg whatever your foot says it will do. Now under various conditions it will move out of driver demand and request a different torque source. The various torque sources can be seen in the torque requestors below. Now that we know there are various torque sources, how is the torque actually controlled? The torque is controlled via the following mechanisms. Spark Retard, AFR Enleanment, Cylinder Fuel Cut, ETC (Throttle cut) and full injector cutout. Firstly it calculates a desired torque ratio which will be less or more than is currently being produced. Depending on what the torque source is this is calculated differently. Eg in rev limiting it uses Desired_RPM / Actual_RPM * Engine_Friction Eg if you are at 6200 rpm, but the rev limit is at 6000 rpm. Assuming the engine friction is a linear relationship you would see: 6000/6200 * K = 0.96 Eg the PCM would request 96% of the torque that is currently being produce. Eg it would ask the PCM to produce 4% less torque than it is currently producing. Now how does it reduce the torque? The PCM uses the following calculation to determine how much of the above methods are utilised. First it tries to reduce the torque using spark retard. Eg if the requested torque is 0.6, eg a 40% reduction in torque it will compare the 0.8 to the values in auF0262 (Spark Torque Ratio Limit) In the example of rev limit it will compare the 0.6 to the value in auF0262 (which is 0.8) The PCM will then take the maximum of the two numbers and only provide 0.8 torque reduction via spark (eg it will limit spark retard to only a 20% reduction whilst in engine speed limiting). The PCM will then also compare this value to auF11982 "Min torque ratio that can be achieve via spark retard to prevent backfires" As you can see when the coolant temp is lower than 100°F it will limit the spark retard even further to a value between 1->0.8 eg less than 20% when cold. There is then a further absolute minimum number auF12516 which is typically 0.2 eg 80% reduction, this will never be reached with the standard calibration numbers. Knowing these tables exist if you wish to command a full 100% spark torque reduction you will need to change both auF12516 and auF11982 to b 0, eg a 100% torque reduction is possible Now the PCM will decide if it requires other methods to reduce torque. It decides this via auF0261 "Torque ratio level above which spark only torque reductions occur". Eg if we are limiting engine speed and the desired torque is above 0.8 then it will use spark only. If we are requesting 0.6 (eg 40% torque reduction) then the PCM will realise that spark alone will not be able to achieve this and move onto the next method of torque reduction. Next the PCM will use enleanment. Enleanment is next performed by making the engine run as lean as possible without a misfire. During torque reduction the value of auF1479 (1.05 lambda standard) will be used for commanded lambda. This means during torque reduction (eg traction control, or ZF gearshifts) the engine will be running lean, depending on the spark you have used in your lambda spark tables this may mean the engine starts knocking. You can fairly safely change auF1479 to 0.7 or some other rich value for safety if you prefer. Next the PCM will use cylinder fuel cut AND enleanment. Fuel cut will be used to further reduce torque (sounds like a misfire and causes pops on gearchange in the ZF) The cylinder fuel cut calculation is simply desired_torque_ratio * number_of_cylinders. Eg if the PCM is commanding a 0.4 torque reduction (eg a reduction of 60%) 0.6 * 6 = 3.6 ~= 4 Eg 2 cylinders will be turned off. Next the PCM will use the ETC (Electronic Throttle) to reduce torque. As the ETC is the slowest method to control torque it is used as a last resort. During ETC control the PCM uses a PID controller to continue to reduce the throttle position to control to a given RPM point. This means the throttle will move up and down continuously based upon torque error until it reaches steady state. Now there is a final item called ETC Clip which clips the throttle at a minimum torque value. To determine if the ETC will be clipped at a minimum torque level the PCM uses an RPM enable setpoint. if (engine_rpm < auF0264 [torque_source]) ETC_Clip_Enabled = True; In the example of traction control we can see that if the RPM is below 1100rpm it will enable ETC_Clip mode. When ETC_Clip mode is enabled the PCM will limit the amount of torque the ETC can reduce the engine from producing to the value found in auF0265 "Amount of torque to clip" Eg if the RPM is below 1100 rpm traction control will not be able to limit the torque below 40 lb *ft of torque. In the FG falcons with launch control the ETC clip has a value of 550 in engine speed limiting. This means the ETC cannot ask for less than 550 lb * ft of torque. Eg the ETC will not close at all during engine speed limiting. Finally in the FG falcons only there is a launch control enable flag. When launch control is enabled (speed less than 5mph and clutch pushed in) it uses an etc_clip enable rpm setpoint found in auF11985 which is set to 3800 rpm. It also changes the RPM limit to the value found in auF2035 So we can see from the above that in an FG manual falcon if the revs are below 3800 rpm the PCM will stop the ETC from being able to limit torque to control the rpm. This means only enleanment, cylinder fuel cut and spark retard will be used. In all other conditions the ETC will be enabled. Now that we understand how all the different modes of torque reduction work (clear as mud?) we can see how we can enable launch control in a manual BF falcon. To enable cylinder fuel cut based Launch control in a BF Manual enable the following parameters. auF2035 Fuel cut RPM for launch. - This is your launch RPM, typically it is set at roughly 3500 rpm. If you raise it ensure you raise the rpm in auF0264 auF0264 ETC Torque Reduction RPM Set Engine Speed Limiting to 3800 rpm (or your required launch rpm + ~300 rpm) This means if the rpm exceeds this setpoint the throttle will cut to ensure you don't overrev. auF0265 ETC Clip Torque Requestor Set Engine Speed Limiting to 2000 lb*ft. This will ensure that the ETC cannot be used to limit revs as the engine will never make 2000 lb*ft of torque. auF0262 Spark Torque Ratio Limit Set Engine Speed Limiting to 0.0 This will ensure the PCM can command 100% torque reduction via spark retard. Eg it can command the minimum spark of -15 degrees. auF0261 This is the maximum ratio that will be used for all other torque cut sources Leave Engine Speed Limiting at 0.8. If you set this lower you will get a spark retard only which will not hold the revs. If you set this to 1.0 you will never get spark retard. You can experiment here. auF12516 "Minimum torque ratio below which torque reduction via spark are not possible." Set this to 0, this means we can command 0% torque via spark retard. auF1215 Sets minimum launch rpm for manual transmissions when set to 1. Set this to 1, as this enables the launch mode functionality. Without this set launch control will never activate. auF11982 "Min. torque ratio that can be achieved via spark retard during cyl. cutout. " Set this to 0 in the "Torque Ratio" column to ensure 100% spark torque reduction can be achieved. auF2233 Transfer function which returns a spark retard from MBT as a function of desired torque Set the top cells to -70, this means you will get the minimum spark retard clip value when in launch control. This is typically -15 degrees. auF11078 "Source of Vehicle Speed Signal to activate Launch rpm limiting" You may not need to change this however if you set it to 0 then all possible speed sources will have launch control enabled. Best to set it to 0 as a catch all. Have fun! EDIT: UPDATE We should be able to achieve flat shifting in the manual using the same logic. Simply wind out the minimum speed auF11836 from 10mph to 200 mph This should cause a full fuel cut on gear shifts above 3500 rpm (or whatever your launch rpm is set to). Edit: The type of torque reduction performed is defined here: 1 = ETC (Throttle only) 2 = Spark retard, enleanment, injector cut and ETC 3/4 = Spark retard, enleanment injector cut only 4 may have been different in earlier models (BA) where they could run as lean as 1.2 lambda, due to NOx emissions this function is disabled effectively making mode 3 and 4 identical. Edit 2: For the FG the spark retard ratio is calculated differently. Please read this post for information.
  4. Yes you can. Send us an email and we can organise it for you.
  5. I have a list of spelling errors that will go into the next update. Datalogging will have each x/y value from each table, so you can datalog exactly what table is making what contribution.
  6. It is the TPS vs cam angle. So it depends what TPS angle you are seeing at idle as to what you need. Eg if you set the low TPS cells to a high overlap but when you flick he AC on it the TPS increases it will drop you out of that cell. So you need to experiment and see.
  7. Can you try the new 0.73 beta on the downloads page? It fixes this issue along with a number of improvements. Once it is finalised we will post up a list of new features.
  8. Yes I see no reason why not. It is only the BAs that don't appear to have the sensor available on the PCM input.
  9. Zero was the wrong word to use. The trims are already zero'd after a flash. I mean dialled in, as in the trims will approach their final value after 80kms as you will have hit all the load cells multiple times.
  10. Just sent you an email @Puffwagon with your custom OS and some information.
  11. Hey Puffwagon. Darryl is looking at yours on monday. So with version > 0.72 if you license say HA*** for 3 credits, then we provide you with a PCM** custom os (we use PCM** prefix for the Custom OS) it will only cost you 2 credits to license (total of 5). If you have never previously licensed the car and go to license the custom OS it will cost 5 credits. The editor automatically determines whether to charge 5 or 2 credits based on your prior licenses. I will be writing up a Custom OS HOWTO shortly that describes all the new maps and how to set them up. This will continue to change over time as we make it more and more dynamic within the editor. Eg in the future you won't have to send us a file, it will just be a toggle in the editor and you will be able to toggle which maps you'd like to interpolate opposed to all of them being added.
  12. You can do whatever you want there. Experiment and see what works best.
  13. That is because your car has been previously tuned with SCT.
  14. I can't seem to reproduce it. Which map are you seeing this problem occur on?
  15. This is now available! Includes extended resolution spark maps, flex maps and boost by gear. Springy Performance are offering a flex fuel plug and play kit including a flex sensor, fuel fittings, zeitronix or blueflex converter, plug and play O2 sensor loom and an optional ethanol % gauge. Pricing is currently $1090 Alternatively you can build your own however to cut down on support costs we are only providing support if you use the flex kit as this is a proven and tested product. If you wish to use dual maps, rotary dial for variable boost etc you can simply switch 5v on pin a37 (rear O2 sensor input) to trigger it. To get access to the new OS send us your tune and we will convert it to the new OS. This will be automated in the next version of the editor.
  16. It should be instantaneous. I will have a look.
  17. I don't think it works in neutral. You need to be deaccelerating
  18. Try any of the workshops on here www.pcmtec.com/workshops Fairly common mod for most of them. If you needed a 4bar the custom os will switch to using the boost sensor for low readings that the 4 bar can't register.
  19. Eg you have 25 degrees ignition, then on gear change it hits 5 degrees. This would be 20 degrees ignition retard being commanded. Eg 25 - 20 = 5
  20. If you put anything in the 0 cell you will cause issues. That means it will be subtracting a value from the commanded duty cycle when there is NO spark retard. You want it to only occur when there is spark retard. How much spark retard is being commanded on shifts? Once you know that value you know which cell to edit.
  21. PCMTEC Editor Version 0.72 has now been released as of 21/8/18 The changes in this release are primarily transparent in the background to facilitate the new Custom Operating system that supports flex fuel, larger spark tables (FG size in BF cals), boost by gear/speed and TMap/Boost sensor switch over. These changes allow the operating system to now be dynamic and not require template updates when a table size is changed or a table is deleted/added. This means preparing a custom operating system is a much simpler process behind the scenes. In the next update the Editor will facilitate creating custom operating systems and you will not be required to send us a base tune to be customised. Custom operating systems cost 5 credits (4 to edit, 1 to flash). If you have already licensed the vehicle you will be offered an upgrade license for only 2 credits, this is all automatically determined when you press "License Vehicle". Improvements Ctrl + Scroll wheel now zooms in/out on tables. This can be useful on small screens. Pressing a single letter on the navigator will now jump to that item. Eg pressing s will jump to speed density. Disabling/Enabling 2d grid lines on the table chart is now persistent upon a redraw. Performance of table views has been improved. Added filename and strategy to the title bar when opening a file. Backup files are now saved into a My Documents -> PCMTec -> 0.72 -> Backups to tidy up the folder structure. Holding down the right arrow key on a table would wrap around the table. Now it will stop when it gets to the right most cell. Added new checksums to custom operating systems to facilitate partial write. Bug Fixes Apply/View was greyed out on Compare History in some modes. Highlighting multiple scalars and entering a single number would crash if one of the scalars was not enabled (eg not editable). Navigator would scroll up/down whenever changing a value in the table view in some scenarios. Fixed a hang that could occur after clicking "yes" when "There are unsaved changed, would you like to save the file?" Double clicking on the column of a table 1d would resize the column to the column header, not the contents of the column. Copy paste would often paste a very large number into the first cell. This is fixed. Various spelling errors corrected in the templates.
  22. Looks like the FG is different. Try setting auF1880 and auF1981 to 600 F or you could try setting auF2485 to 10,000 rpm
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