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Everything posted by Roland@pcmtec

  1. We do offer our own boost by gear Custom OS however. Have a read of the Custom OS thread for more information.
  2. A really easy one to first check is make your MBT and Borderline tables the same, that will confirm if its the knock control adding timing. The knock control only adds spark under 3000 rpm afaik. You can change this in the octane adder scalars.
  3. Are you able to give us an example. Eg: Rpm: Load: IAT: ECT: Actual spark: Commanded Lambda: I will have a look at your tune now and see if there is anything obvious.
  4. These are easy ones to fix. If you find any, please let us know! I'm aware there are some in the ford descriptions, however there are about 40,000 of them to go through and Darryl almost necked himself the first time he did it. So if you see any, let us know. I like the rest of the ideas, a lot of that stuff will come with datalogging, so we can really see how good we can make the software then.
  5. Any other UI suggestions you guys have don't hold back, anything that can help speed up the process of building a tune we would like to implement.
  6. I didn't even think to look either! Glad to see it is working now. We will make up some parameter files (a file with presets) for enabling/disabling open loop at some point soon.
  7. Will it looks like you have whole number in the duty cycle. Eg 42 will cause 100% duty cycle. 1.00 is 100% duty so scale these numbers back by a factor of 100
  8. Unlikely. You would get a checksum error, and if any of the code gets corrupted the car wouldn't even start as it would crash and just constant restart the CPU.
  9. Can you try setting auF0287 to 1.0 instead of 0.0 ? It may use this as a multiplier still. Everything else looks good. edit: Can you use a scanner to see if P1228 or P1227 are being set?
  10. I will have a look at your file and see if any of the other workshops would be willing to give advice as I've never personally done an FG, though I know lots of people do what you are trying to do.
  11. https://forum.pcmtec.com/index.php?/topic/74-howto-open-loop-boost-control-fg/ Continue discussion here Will
  12. Will I notice from your uploaded file you have auF2776 set to -100, this may be causing you issues as well. You also have P1228 and P1227 set to "No MIL" which will still trigger them I believe, auF1098 (boost error) is set to 18 as well which may not be high enough.
  13. When tuning with a different wastegate actuator or boost control solenoid it is best to tune the vehicle in open loop first to get your initial open loop duty cycle correct. Once this is correct you would enable closed loop again There are 4 modes the boost control works in in the FG. Idle/Cruising mode (0% duty cycle) Overboost (0% duty cyle) Underboost (100% duty cycle) Closed Loop (Variable %) In closed loop the wastegate duty cycle is determined via the following (this ignores the boost adder functionality at WOT and assumes you have zero'd them out) duty_cycle = auF16463 (predicted open loop duty cycle) * auF0318 (injector duty cycle) * auF16634 (boost multiplier ECT) * auF0315 (Barometric multipler) * auF16475 (desired boost multiplier TPS) + KP + KI Where KP and KI are the PID outputs (closed loop control). So knowing the above we can force permanent open loop control by the following: Setting the PID constants to all zero. We can then set the underboost value to a very high number so that we never get true underboost (100% duty cycle) Set the overboost value to a very low number so we never get true overboost (0% duty cycle) Set the "cruising mode" TP Count to a low number so you never get 0% duty cycle unless you really are at cruise or idle. If you would like a dummys guide change the following items: auF2645 P1228 Timer - Set this to 1000 for the entire table auF2150 P1228 - Wastegate Failed Open (Under Pressure) - Set to "No Error" auF2279 P1227 - Wastegate Failed Closed (Over Pressure) - Set to "No Error" auF16459 Desired Boost (inHG) set this out of range to a high number like 35 auF16475 TPS Boost multipler - Set this all to 1 other than idle/cruise. auF3184 Underboost Required For Open Loop - Set this to a high number like 40-100 auF3204 Intake Cam Adder for boost error - Set the degree adder to 0. This is important otherwise your VCT system will command incorrect angles. auF3264 Exhaust Cam Adder for boost error - set the degree adder to 0. This is important otherwise your VCT system will command incorrect angles. auF3002 Spark Adder/Delta Change in Wastegate - set to 0 auF0286 Integral gain - Set to 0 auF0287 Proportional gain - Set to 0 (try 1 as well, however most likely will be ignored in open loop) auF0296 Overboost to trigger open loop - set to -50 to -100 auF16555 Integral Gain - Set to 0 auF16519 Integral max - Set to 0 auF16453 Integral min - Set to 0 auF0289 Proportional Max - Set to 0 auF0288 Proportional Min - Set to 0 auF1193 P1227 Fault Filter - Recommended to leave unchanged. auF1328 P1227 Fault Filter - Recommended to leave unchanged. auF1898 - Open loop duty cycle for underboost - set to 40-50% auF1098 - P1227 overboost error - Recommended to leave unchanged. auF2625 - Slope due to pre turbing temperature - This function accounts for heat soak into the wastegate actuator. It will modify the final wastegate duty cycle to try and keep a more consistent boost pressure when the exhaust is hot or cold. If you want a completely open loop boost control, set the unitless column to 0. If you leave it as stock, the wastegate duty cycle will change with exhaust temp, however it should give you a flatter boost curve when then exhaust is extremely hot vs cold. auF16680 Boost Clip based on Inferred Turbo Temp - This is not in all FGs, only the later model vehicles. This will clip the desired boost. If you are using proper closed loop boost control, or you are utilising this table, make sure you raise this table to be higher than what you are requesting in your desired boost table. auF0286 - Integral Clip (this is the "cruising mode" table which sets duty cycle to 0% below these TPS values. Set the TPS column to ~150 counts at higher rpm to ensure you always get the commanded duty cycle.
  14. Will I'm making a new thread for you to not confuse others with a BF. I'll post up all the FG parameter names to change in there.
  15. They are scalars. Type them into the search bar and they will show up. Don't worry about auF16551 if it isn't in that calibration. Your calibration has auF1328 and auF1193 for the P1227 DTC. Wind both of them out to 255 which is the max
  16. Thanks for that great explanation BeerTurbo!
  17. Ok so lets confirm all of these are set and give it another go as lots of people have full open loop working on the FG. P1227 MIL Lamp auF1328 P1227 Fault Filter set it to 255 auF1193 P1227 Fault Filter set it to 255 Over/Under boost auF1898 Open Loop duty cycle for underboost set it to something like 40% auF1679/auF3184 Underboost Threshold - set entire table to something like 40-100 auF0296 Overboost required for open loop - set this to something like -40 to -100 PID Gain tables auF0286 Boost Integral Gain - set entire table to 0 auF0287 Boost Proportional Gain - set entire table to 0 Zero all of these gains auF16555, auF16567, auF16552, auF16519, auF16453, auF0289, auF0288 For good measure set auF16551 TPS vs RPM scaler to 1.0 everywhere other than idle. edit: From your file it looks like you might be triggering P1227 causing your 0% duty cycle.
  18. Set your overboost (auF0296) to -100 and your underboost to 100. You have a positive number in overboost currently, which means it is stuck in no mans land of simultaneously having over and underboost.
  19. Something else that catches people out is that if you get ignition retard for traction control or knock retard it will increase your boost levels as well, same goes for exhaust cam angles which can change due to cat/exhaust/turbo protection. So you can see that when you are commanding a spark delta to reduce torque, it will also reduce your waste gate duty cycle to prevent overboost. You'll see that it controls the boost using the cam angles as well. So if you are running open loop and haven't zero'd these out it will screw with the VCT You can run completely open loop, but unless there is a good reason I always recommend people spend the time to get the closed loop system operating correctly as it means you won't get overboost in cold weather and ignition retard events.
  20. It won't work like this. It will use the number in auF3184. So if you set this table to 100 then it should never trigger an underboost scenario. Normally it would trigger 100% duty cycle only until it is out of the underboost condition. The fact you have zero'd all your PID gains is why you are having issues. If you leave closed loop boost control enabled, you will have better results and you won't have to mess around with these tables. Is there any reason you don't want to run it?
  21. The issue with the decimal places is if you use say interpolate on the spark table, you end up with 40.5445645654 as the value which looks super annoying as you really don't care about decimals there. So in the next release we have got 6 floating decimal places by default, this means things like low slope/deadtime will show the full number of decimals. However if they have a value like 1.0 it won't show you any 0s. You can still use the +/- buttons to change the default which is remembered on a per ID basis, so lets say you never want to see decimals on the spark table, just hit the - button a few times and it won't ever show up. What we might do is just hard code a few important IDs (spark, deadtime, slopes etc) to be a nice value for the default. The columns should auto fit the values already, but if you add/remove decimals you'll need to close it and open it again to resize the headers. I'll add doing this automatically to the list though as it would be nice.
  22. Why is that? If you are open loop all the time then it isn't really using it anyway.
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