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Everything posted by Roland@pcmtec

  1. Hi Steve, When you perform a read it does a full read of the operating system and calibration information from the PCM/TCM to allow it to be saved and licensed/edited. A read does not perform any changes to the vehicle. When you press write the software writes the operating system and calibration to the vehicle but does not change the RTOS (real time operating system). This means even if your flash fails midway, eg lost power, cable falls out etc the PCM/TCM will be completely recoverable.
  2. Just edited my post above. Regarding the idle it depends on airflow and also spark. They normally run as low as 6 (8 maybe?) degrees at idle and will add up to 25 or so degrees timing if needed to increase the idle. Higher spark values mean less air for the same idle rpm, hence it will be rougher. You want your idle spark to be fairly low so you have reserve for when you get fluctuations. So to increase idle you could technically raise the min spark, however the proper way is to increase airflow. There are a few rpm setpoints, in gear, coasting and in neutral I believe. If you raise these providing you don't go past the max airflow set point the rpm will raise. So first check your idle spark, if it's normal eg below 10 degrees simply raise the set point. If it is quite high already it suggests a mechanical issue which you should resolve first. Edit: no harm in setting idle to 2000 rpm just to see what happens either.
  3. If you are running stock injectors with trims under 5% try turning closed loop O2 off entirely. You can then put 1.07 or higher (experiment) in the requested lambda at cruise to get even better economy. Your nitrous oxide emissions will go out the window though. If you are running more boost I would richen up the part throttle as well as reducing the a/d count for CL to OL transition (assuming you leave O2 enabled). Also ensure you aren't hitting the max load on the spark tables, if you are make sure to reduce spark, or rescale the axis to allow it to hit a higher load with appropriate spark values. Have fun.
  4. On the top tool bar next to the decimal places button. You can also press ctrl+z (undo) and ctrl +y (redo) You can also right click for return to stock.
  5. Datalogging is currently being developed. We expect to release our stand alone datalogger later in the year. We have roughly ~4000 DMRs mapped for each strategy allowing you to datalog the x,y and x values of most tables. In the mean time you can datalog the basics using free tools such as Forscan. These will allow you to log ignition and fuel trims.
  6. PCMTEC Editor Version 0.65 has now been released as of 6/6/18 To download please login then visit https://www.pcmtec.com/downloads This page is only available for customers who have purchased the full version of the software (Enthusiast, Professional and Workshop). The demo has also been updated to version 0.65 which can be downloaded here (you must be registered and logged in) https://www.pcmtec.com/demo 0.65 is an interim release that has the following bug fixes/improvements: Improvements: When opening a parameter from the compare view, the navigator auto expands to show where the parameter was located. Maths data entry toolbar is now persistent (same value remains) across multiple views. Added option to "Open Parameters In Same Window" has been added to stop multiple windows stacking up. Added options to hide surplus history sessions and entries that would slowly fill up the history dropdown boxes. Added option to toggle small icon size to give more screen real estate for small monitors Added "Stock" value column to scalar list view. Scalars now show a red diamond if they are larger than the stock value and a blue diamond if they are smaller than the stock value. First column (Y Axis) in Table Views are now locked when scrolling to help with modifying tables on small screens. Bug Fixes: If prompted to close a file with unsaved changes as part of the flash read process, if you chose no the UI would freeze. This is now fixed. After reading a vehicle if you clicked changed history before you saved the file, the stock change history would be blank until the file was saved and opened again. Sometimes on first install you would require to open the application twice to generate default configuration files. After creating a stock file if you saved it the recent file history would be incorrect for this file. Reading a car with no VIN and a corrupted OSID would crash. Auto resize of scalar list view was not respected when manually resizing the window. +/- decimal places button did not work when loading a compare file. Known Bugs: DTC Read/Reset does not work on all vehicles
  7. There are about 950 in total and no easy way to know what they are from. We will build up a list of ~20 or so that shows BA,BF,FG and the different models to give people something to work from. In the mean time here are a few to get you started: I6 HAAT0V6 / A3VA 4.0L BA F6 Manual 2004 (Extra VCT controls) HACCKU6 / A5UJ 4.0L BF 2007 NA Automatic HACCKV4 / A7VD 4.0L BF 2007 NA Automatic LPG HAEDJG4 / B8GJ 4.0L FG F6 2008 Automatic HAER1UB / UEAB 4.0L FGX Sprint 2016 (all automatics) V8s HABN9L2 / A3LA 5.4L BA GT Automatic HADCEE3 /B5EC 5.4L BF 2005 Automatic HADCEF3 / B5FC 5.4L BF 2005 Manual HAFDDR8 / B8RF 5.4L FG 2008 Automatic HAFDDS7 / B8SF 5.4L FG 2008 Manual HAFFBD2 / B0DF 5.0L FG Supercharged Manual HAFFBE2 / B0EF 5.0L FG Supercharged Automatic HAFK0XB / XEAB 5.0L FGX Sprint 2016 Auto HAFK0VA,/ VEAA 5.0L FGX Sprint 2016 Manual I recommend using the built in "create stock file" wizard to view these files, this guarantees you have our latest templates. We are going to stop updating that zip file manually soon. edit: If you use HAAT0V6 you will need to disable the oil pressure switch via auF12646 otherwise it will be permanently on.
  8. FYI sprint uses the following calibrations XR6 Turbo Sprint HAER1UA / UEAA / ER2G-7J105-EB HAER1UB / UEAB / ER2G-7J105-EB 5.0L Sprint HAFK0VA / VEAA HAFK0XB / XEAB
  9. What is the error you get? An easier way is you can now load the stock files via the calibration wizard instead. This guarantees the files are using our latest templates. Click the calibration tools drop down and select create stock file from catch code. You can then enter in the catch code of any vehicle to view it's calibration. There is an example you can try on the main screen.
  10. You will find a lot of "strange" things in some tunes, eg turning off the torque module switch, disabling all of the knock and overtemp protection etc. No closed loop boost control. All of these items can be made to work with a high power tune and they give you a safety margin if you have an overboost, overtemp or bad knock condition saving your motor. If the max commanded knock retard kicks in you will absolutely feel it and know something is wrong.
  11. Edit: This will give you a rough guide on what items need to be changed to scale injectors. I have ID1000 in my BF which should be similar to yours, they are matched sets but they can vary up to 5% so remember this. Here is the official ID1000 data http://injectordynamics.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/ID1000-Ford-Characterization-Tables-8-6-14.xls Correct their spread sheet for a 4 bar reg and 0% ethanol This gives you a high slope of 0.031774 lbm/s and a low slope of 0.035023 lbm/s Now I used this data and the fuel trims were way off. After lots of logging and cruising I now get 1.00 0.98 trims at cruise and worst case 0.9% under some deaccel conditions. Generally around 0.95 most of the time. Here is the data I ended up with. Make sure to use the +/- symbols to ensure all the decimal places show when working with these small numbers. High slope = 0.0296729 lbm/s Low slope = 0.031059 lbm/s Pulse width minimum = 0.00019 seconds Injector breakpoint = 0.000027 lbm breakpoint_ms = breakpoint / lowslope * 1000 + offset(volts) To scale these figures I datalogged long term trims (after first giving the car 80kms to zero the trims in, don't datalog immediately after making changes as you will forever chase your tail). I then datalogged airmass to determine what needed changing, low slope, highslope or the breakpoint. Pulsewidth minimum you only decrease if you are getting anything other than an 18:1 lean condition on deaccel fuel cut. If you get a pop pop pop when holding revs at 2k in neutral this can also mean your pulse width min needs increasing or your low slope needs increasing. Slopes were about 7% -12% less than the ID1000 data. Zero this out (I don't think its used) Deadtime I had very similar to the ID1000 data Leave this stock Zero this out (once again I don't believe it is used) I included the .tec file so you can do a compare and copy. This should get the car idling and cruise good enough to get it to a tuner. Stay off load until you get it on a dyno with a wideband. If you want to be safe change the fuel base (rpm, tps) auF0172 to be 0.73 in the upper tps range, this will be extremely rich but you should be pretty safe this way. I then played with the lost fuel tables and injector pump to fix a transient leanout when very cold. Eg change gears on very low load/rpm when cold and it would go quite lean for 2-3 seconds. Winding out the cold start, accelerator pump and cold start tables fixed this. note if you want to log when you are on the low or high slope log injector ms and you can tell which slope you are on. Use the following calculation to determine the breakpoint in ms breakpoint_ms = breakpoint / lowslope * 1000 + offset(volts) edit: Here is a visual representation of the injector slopes Offset - affects low load and wot low slope - affects low load and wot breakpoint - affects low->medium load and wot high slope - only affects high load. If you change the low slope it will change the offset of the high slope. Check out this image I've drawn. You can see that if you adjust the low slope and leave the high slope unchanged, you will have offset your high slope and hence affected WOT fueling. Same story with modifying the breakpoint. For this reason if you change the low slope and want to keep the same wot fueling, you can see you must also massage your high slope as well. For this reason you should tune in the following order first deadtime(offset) then low slope then breakpoint and high slope hackkga BF manual ID1000 PW Stage2 Intercooler 4inch dump 100CPI cat Walbro 460.tec
  12. There are lots of tables. Depends if you are BF or FG but I would start here. Whilst on load, eg not in closed loop idle/coast the following table is used: If you put ~40 in all of the lower load and rpm tables you can get a lumpy cam providing you are touching the throttle, as soon as you let off the throttle it will go back to a normal smooth idle. Kind of like a reverse ghost cam. The rest of the items are in here: There are also some scalars here which influence the base starting angle of the cams Then there are these tables which are used on cold start (which is why your car sounds much louder when cold as the cam timing is quite different) auF16563 auF0098 auF103 The next thing to understand is how the cams are controlled. Basically the PCM controls the intake cam via the commanded angles and modifiers (temp, idle, load etc). The exhaust cam then follows the intake cam with an offset. So if you command and angle of X degrees for the intake cam you will see Y degrees for the exhaust cam. If you change the intake cam position by 10 degrees you will now see intake = x + 10 and exhaust = y + 10. Eg both cams have been offset by just modifying the intake cam. Knowing this you need to modify the max retard and also the various offsets. The next thing to know is there are various control mode. The main three are cold start, on load (eg using the throttle) and idle/coast. The idle/coast seems to the hardest to figure out. From my testing I found that I could influence the camshaft timing at idle via auF0103 (BF Manual HACCKGA strategy). Eg by setting the entire table to 60 degrees I logged both cams at 50 degrees, if I set it to -50 I logged both at -50. If i set the table to the stock 5 degees I logged intake at 7 degrees and exhaust at -7 degrees. As soon as you go past ~20 degrees the cams are the same as each other, I'm guessing something is capping the overlap angle somewhere. Anyway I would play with auF0103 and then play with all the max retard/max overlap tables to see if you can get the exhaust cam to move at idle independently. From my testing so far I could not however I believe Pitlane did manage to do so. Another item to look at is auto vs manual, the behaviour seems to be slightly different between the two.
  13. PCMTEC Editor Version 0.64 has now been released as of 28/5/18 To download please login then visit https://www.pcmtec.com/downloads This page is only available for customers who have purchased the full version of the software (Enthusiast, Professional and Workshop). The demo has also been updated to version 0.64 which can be downloaded here (you must be registered and logged in) https://www.pcmtec.com/demo 0.64 is an interim release that has the following bug fixes/improvements: Improvements: Compare view now has a single column, this makes viewing the compare history much easier to see when on a small laptop screen. Added "Open Parameters In Same Window" checkbox (in the View menu) so that you can quickly scroll through multiple parameters without having to keep closing windows. Added a new button to the "Create Stock File from Catchcode" screen. Now there is "Create File" which will immediately open a temporary file which you do not have to save. There is also "Create and Merge" which will give you the option to load and merge an existing file to allow licensing the file. Locked the first column (Y Axis) on Table Views so when scrolling a large table on a small screen you can still see the Y Axis at all times. Bug Fixes: Flash write would occasionally hang at 99.9%. Despite the flash succeeding the UI would freeze requiring the program be killed. Despite the UI lockup the PCM/TCM would still flash successfully in the back ground. Known Bugs: DTC Read/Reset does not work on all vehicles and can sometimes take several minutes to time out.
  14. ETC should raise a fault if it isn't working. Is it running standard injectors, intake manifold, throttle body etc? Who did the loom? Is it automatic? Is the PCM from the same motor? It could be literally hundreds of things though. There are a few people on here that regularly do swaps, they might know the common faults that will come up after doing a swap. edit: You mentioned earlier abotu if you could flash BA/BF/FG into different PCMs. Is the PCM and Loom all from the same vehicle? The BA/BF -> FG is different, so you can't use a BF PCM on an FG and vice versa. There are differences between BA and BF as well, but not as drastic as far as I know.
  15. PCMTEC Editor Version 0.63 has now been released as of 18/5/18 To download please login then visit https://www.pcmtec.com/downloads This page is only available for customers who have purchased the full version of the software (Enthusiast, Professional and Workshop). The demo has been updated to version 0.63 which can be downloaded here (you must be registered and logged in) https://www.pcmtec.com/demo 0.63 Is a major update that includes the following new features and improvements. Return To Stock / Create Stock File Wizard / Calibration Merge Change History / Compare Logic Rewritten with Partial Compare UI Layout improvements Updated Search with history Table view absolute difference, highlight difference compare. Return To Stock / Create Stock File Wizard The return to stock wizard is a major addition and offers the 3 following wizards that are available to professional and workshop customers. Enthusiast customers can upgrade to pro for the price difference. Create Stock File From Existing File: This allows you to take an existing read from a vehicle that has a known vehicle strategy and build a stock file from this. This is similar to using OEM tools to load OEM PHF/VBF files however we provide everything you need to do this automatically. Once you load in an existing file, the program will automatically extract the strategy/catch code of the vehicle and download the stock file from our database. It will then merge your serial number/vin and VID block into the stock file to give you a licensed file you can flash straight into your vehicle. This is very useful for tuners who have a car come into the workshop with an unknown tune which they would like to start from scratch with. No more towing the car to your local dealership to have the PCM reflashed to stock! Create Stock File From Strategy or Catchcode: This function is perfect for when a vehicle comes into your workshop with a PCM that has been tuned and you are not sure if what is in the car is the correct operating system or not. In this case you can simply enter the teartag/catchcode from the drivers door and have a stock file built for you. Another use for this function is you know you have a specific car coming in over the coming days and you would like to build a base tune ready for the vehicle. You can punch in the catch code and have a stock file built ready to build a base tune before the customer turns up saving you time. If you already have a read of the customers vehicle you can merge the VID/VIN/Serial in ahead of time when creating the file. If not you can use the manual merge later on to build a licensed file. Manually Merge VID/VIN/Serial/Calibration This wizard allows you to manually merge the calibration/VID block and VIN of various compatible files. This can be useful if you have a base tune you would like to use in a different vehicle. In this example you would load your base tune as file 1 and load a read of the customers vehicle as file 2. You could then simply merge the VID/Serial only to create a licensed file for the customer, or you could merge the entire calibration if the operating systems are the same. Another example is you have created a stock file using the catch code the night before to make a base tune, now the customer has turned up and you have done a read of their vehicle and wish to merge their licensing information (Serial/VIN/VID) to license the base tun you created. If the processor types or operating systems do not match there is error handling to ensure you do not create a corrupted file. Change History/Compare The change history and compare view logic has been completely rewritten to improve the usability of the program. Now you can easily click on multiple entries and click apply without the screen reloading each time. The screen also updates live showing changes as they are made. For example you can now press control + left mouse button to select multiple items to apply at once. When you select a top level node all of the items within that node are correctly selected. Once the items are applied they will disappear from the change history. Shift + left mouse button will select all items between the currently selected item and the mouse. Expanding individual tree items will now automatically scroll the screen to display the entire expanded tree. Partial Compare Partial compare is a simple yet huge improvement to the file compare system. An example is as follows: You have two tunes HACCKGA and HADCHM5 both with only changes made to the injector slopes. Traditionally if you were to compare these two files you would see a huge number of differences due to the different operating systems. If you select "Load partial compare" the compare system will only display parameters which are different to stock. In this case you would only see the injector slope differences appear in the change history view. This allows you to effectively build value files as you can simply do a partial compare then select all (control + A) and press apply. This ensures you only copy the values that have been modified from stock. This function now means you can build a database of files with simple changes eg injectors only, spark only, load axis and rpm axis rescaled, save them as individual files and copy the changes over from each file build a base tune very quickly. Table View The table view has had the maths parameters moved to the left to speed up using the maths tool bar There are now two different compare modes. Show absolute differences between stock/compare file and current. And highlight differences. This makes it easier to quickly see where a table has been changed from stock. Return to stock right click. If you accidentally make a mistake or want to revert part of a table you can now highlight individual cells and click "Return to stock" this will revert ONLY those cells to their stock value. Search Search has been improved massively with the addition of the search modifier radio buttons. Now the search has 3 modes, AND, OR, EXACT The default search mode is AND. This means all words typed into the search bar must be found in the parameter for it to be displayed, they can be in any order OR: This means if any of the words are found in the parameter it will be displayed. This was the previous default mode which meant a large number of irrelevant parameters would be shown. EXACT: This mode means the parameter must contain the phrase exactly as you typed to be shown. These new search modes can be found on the navigator, change history/compare and also the scalar lists. NOTE: These new search modes only appear in the Visual Studio 2017 Dark and White themes at this stage. If you are using a different theme please let us know. We are working on adding them to all of the themes automatically in the next interim release. Search now has history that is retained between sessions. This means you can easily find recently searched for items. Navigator The navigator now has a right click menu to allow you to filter only items that have been modified against the stock calibration. This makes it very fast to find areas you have recently been editing and tuning. Flashing You can now cancel a flash read and don't have to wait for the read to complete. Bug Fixes: Memory leak fixed when the editor was left open for hours and hundreds of tables were opened after each other. Compare/Change History View columns and spacing further improved. Close buttons would appear greyed out until you clicked on them in some instances. Flash progress view wouldn't update until the user clicked at least once. Flash progress view would show 99.7% and not 100% despite 100% being completed. Change history now updates live correctly.
  16. Hi Shaun. Our professional version of the software will do this for you. Whilst our software primarily targeted towards tuners we do have a number of customers who use it for disabling PATS and doing engine conversions. What is the reason for changing VINs? Are you swapping PCMs out of vehicles? Often if you change the PCM you need to change quite a few things. Our licensing is chained to each PCM serial/vin/operating system, so if you simply wanted to change the VIN and nothing else you could do it with the following procedure. Perform a read of the original PCM with the VIN you want to keep. Save this file and do not license it. Perform a read of the new PCM with the incorrect VIN. Save this file and do not license it. Open up the "Return to stock/calibration merge wizard" and merge the VIN from the first file to the second file. Now save the resulting merged file. Next step is to license the merged file and write it to the PCM. You can change any other parameters at this time as well. Once the file is licensed you can read/edit/write this particular PCM as many times as you'd like. Regarding the Cardaq-m we technically should support all J2534 devices. We have a list of devices on our website that we have personally tried and know work. Anything else not on the list should also work providing they come with a standard SAE J2534 driver. Drewtech's mongoose works with our product so I see no reason why the Cardaq wouldn't. There is a list of the cable we have used on the main page here: https://www.pcmtec.com/home/index
  17. It is saying above 6500rpm the VCT won't be enabled. The standard rev limit doesn't go above this afaik which makes sense to me.
  18. This guide explains how to disable PATS and change the vehicle speed source to prevent security lockouts or vehicle speed related limiting in the cases of swaps that have a different sensor setup. Notes: This guide requires the Professional Version or higher as it requires editing the VID block. This guide only works for BA/BF and earlier PCMs. The FGs have a different CAN setup and the vehicle speed source setting is ignored, hence without an ABS module the vehicle will not run correctly. Disabling PATS will stop your BCM/ICC from functioning properly, hence it is only recommended for swaps that do not have this hardware or cars that have this removed (e.g. race/drag). This guide may not work for early model BA Falcons (eg 2004 and earlier) that run the 5.4L. A workaround for these models is to use a later model strategy from a manual 5.4L PCMTEC doesn't offer technical support for any swaps, because there are so many variables it makes them impossible for us to support and generally outside of the scope of PCMTEC. We will, however, offer technical support for the revelent functions of our software. BA/BF: To run the BA/BF PCM standalone there are two items that must be set up. Firstly the PATS security system must be disabled. First locate auF16527 (PATS Alternate Switch) and auF16595 (PATS Switch). From the factory you will have: auF16527: 0 auF16595: 1 Flip both values. So now you will have: auF16527: 1 auF16595: 0 Now that the PATS security system is disabled the BCM/ICC will no longer function, you should only do this if you are not utilising the dash cluster in your new vehicle. The next step is to change the speed source. From the factory the VSS (Vehicle Speed Source) would most likely have been set to use the speed from the ABS module or the TCM sent via CANBUS. We will now change this to use the output shaft speed (OSS) sensor. You'll obviously need to wire an actual speed sensor as well up to Pin B7. Most people mount this on the rear of the manual gearboxes. Now change VSS_Source to Transmission Output Shaft Sensor. Whilst you are in the VID block editor it is recommended to adjust the final drive ratio and other gear ratios that may have changed. This file will now allow the PCM to run standalone with no other modules. FG/FG-X: The FG/FG-X only support a CAN source (e.g. OEM TCM or ABS) for vehicle speed so VSS Source parameter is effectively ignored. In this case, if you are using a FG/FG-X there are several options: Run the PCM with no speed reference and tune out the various FMEM torque limiting that occurs and speed related tables. There are some workshops that may offer a mail-in service for this sort of tuning. Using a CAN emulator to process an available speed sensor and emulate the ABS or TCM messages on the CAN bus.
  19. It's the first I've heard of that. Maybe someone else can comment.
  20. Why do you want to turn the brake part off anyway? I find the brakes cutting in on happens when you legitimately need it, eg one wheel in the dirt on a steep driveway etc.
  21. Do you have an auto or manual? If you have a manual you can try setting auF1716 to 0. If you have an auto reports are it causes issues with the TCM and it won't shift out of first gear so I would not try it in this case. We believe it messes with the torque sent via CAN which is how it "disables" it, which means it may have other side effects. We have not tested this so please make sure you are testing it in a safe environment and not on a customers vehicle. Also I have to mention this is a safety feature, so be aware that it may even disable your ABS entirely so I would not do it on a street driven car. Personally I'd just hold the TCS button to disable it when you want it disabled.
  22. The traction control involving the brakes is only at very low speeds is it not? At least it appears that way in the BF MK2. I'm not sure if it functions at higher speeds in other vehicles. Most likely you would need to flash/edit the ABS module itself which I'm not aware of anyone having much control over. I would try the VID item that Darryl suggested above, that may tell the ABS to ignore the traction control, however I suspect the braking system is independent of this. "Dually" means 2 wheel drive, otherwise it means 4WD
  23. I'm assuming this is the one you've already played with? and also auF0264/auF0265? What Vehicle/Strategy are you working with? edit: Also what is the goal or the problem you are trying to solve?
  24. Afaik none of the tables required are available in other software, currently to date they only have the max overlap mapped not the actual desired overlap/angle. Most likely did it another way and just used hptuners to log it. It's possible they have just physically locked the cam in that position as well.
  25. Yes however we ran into issues with the auto vs manual working differently. From my initial testing I got a reverse ghost cam, eg when you touched the throttle it went lumpy, at idle it was normal.I haven't gone much further as I ran out of time. I know Pitlane performance appear to have gotten it working. Post up what you have tried and your results to date.
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