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Everything posted by Roland@pcmtec

  1. No you can't link it, you need IDS or Forscan to do a parameter reset if you've been mixing and matching modules. IDS won't let you flash the TCM though. You can flash in the correct calibrations with pcmtec if you know what they should be. There are 900 to choose from so you need to already know what the calibrations codes should be. Once you done that if you do a parameter reset you should be on your way. This isn't something we officially support due to how much support time conversions consume. Though people do use our software to do this kind of thing.
  2. There isn't one. You need DMR logging, we will have it soon.
  3. I'm fairly sure a few people have done that. I believe Loki has done this if you send him PM, I think he just did a compare and copy. Be careful though, there may be hardware differences and whilst I haven't heard of it occurring theoretically you could damage the trans so do it at your own risk.
  4. I don't like gospels so more than stock boost. ? I would just get on a dyno with knock ears, anything else is guessing.
  5. Not possible in a BA. You will need to convert to a BF loom and PCM. The BA never came with a 6 speed auto so it does not have the required software to speak to it. The BA PCM is a different CPU to the bf and fg so you can't upgrade it either.
  6. Yes. We will support CAN and usb/serial based widebands. We will also be adding support to poll mainline dynos and grab the afr, torque power etc from them.
  7. This is what we are working on at the moment for the first iteration. Will allow you to tick/untick items and have them automatically appear in the graph. Still a a fair bit of working cleaning up the theme and fonts.
  8. The stock calibrations knock all the time, they run permanently y on the edge of mild detonation. This is ok on stock boost levels but will grenade a motor that is making big power. The table you mention already does this on NA falcons, so they add 4 degrees of spark when it detects 95/98 octane. Turbo falcons disable this feature in most strategies. Timing depends on load so you really need to get on a dyno with knock ears to find out.
  9. I don't think Matt will have any issue. Thanks for doing that.
  10. Total cost is 5 credits. 4 for edit and 1 for flash. If you have already licensed the vehicle you only have to pay 2 extra credits to upgrade it.
  11. FYI Datalogging is close to release now. Keep an eye on the forums and the facebook page for updates.
  12. The following shortcut keys can be used to help save time within the editor. Editor: Ctrl + Left (or Mouse Back) will navigate back to the last window you had open. Ctrl + Right (or Mouse Forwards) will navigate forwards to the previous window. Navigator: When in the navigator you can type a single character and the cursor will snap to the first item that starts with that letter. Eg if you press "s" it will snap to "Sensor Control and Switches" The arrow keys can also be used to navigate within the navigator. Left arrow will group a menu and right arrow will expand a group. Space will tick the export checkbox (if enabled) Right click menu allows you to "Only show parameters that are different to stock" and also "Select all for parameter export" Table View: Within the table view you can use the numpad to activate the maths functions such as add, subtract, multiply, divide. If you select multiple cells at once, then type in a number and press enter, it will set all the cells at the same time. Ctrl + Z will undo the last action Ctrl + Y will redo the previous action Ctrl + S will return the selected cells to stock Ctrl + Mouse Scroll Wheel will zoom in and out
  13. To display multiple tables at once in the Editor please follow these steps. First open a file. Now click view and ensure "Open parameters in same window" is unticked. Now open a second table and left click drag the header without releasing the left mouse button. A new icon will display which lets you snap the window into place. You can do this as many times as you'd like, or even simply leave the window floating. Now you can see two windows open at once. When you are done be sure to re-tick "Open parameters in the same window" otherwise you will quickly end up with hundreds of windows left open.
  14. First turn PATS back on, ensure your VIN is the same as the original auto PCM then do a parameter reset with Ford IDS or Forscan (requires an extended license which you can get for free as part of their beta program). This will re-link all of the modules and the vehicle will then start.
  15. It should read 0L/100km when in decel if DFCO is working. So I would start with figuring out why this isn't working. Scanner is coming soon. We have almost got the first iteration working.
  16. The injectors are only pulsed if the deadtime is wrong. What is your AFR on decel? it should be maxed out lean. Regarding the dashpot, try setting really absurd values in there and experiment with the affect. You will probably find that gives you the most affect. How low is the rpm you are talking? if its 1200rpm etc then DFCO won't be kicking in, in that case drop the decel timing all the way down to 0 degrees and see how it goes.
  17. In DFCO you have complete injector shutdown, as the injectors are shutdown the spark timing makes absolutely no difference to engine braking. The only way to further increase the engine braking would be to change the cam timing on decel. Eg change the commanded cam angles in the various low load (0.1 etc) cells. On decel the spark value is 100% determined via auF0228 "Spark angle to use under deceleration conditions". This will increase engine braking before DFCO kicks in. The other item that would assist is the dashpot airflow, you want this as low as possible to ensure the ETC is held closed for maximum vacuum,. What is the ultimate goal you are trying to achieve with extra decel braking?
  18. 5 speed auto to 6 speed auto would be interesting to try. You may find that the various modules will never talk correctly as when you flash in a different strategy it does not flash the RTOS only the calibration, in the case of a different transmission the RTOS will almost certainly have different IO and Canbus communications. In those cases it is usually easier to just transplant the PCM and TCM at the same time, then relink them to the rest of the car with IDS. You can also change the various scalars such as "TCM Strategy" which tell the PCM what TCM to expect and how to talk to it, I believe people have successfully swapped a BF/FG TCM into the opposite vehicle doing this. This stuff is usually very time consuming and doesn't make good business sense for us to support out of the box, our normal recommendation is to talk to one of the guys who do these swaps everyday. You'll probably end up spending less as well as they will tell you what to buy to get it working first go. Send us an email if you'd like the names of some people who do this kind of work. Otherwise if you are keen to do this yourself and don't mind licensing a few PCM/TCM combinations to get it all working I'm sure others would love to read how you did it.
  19. We used some of matt's info for our base to the stock file wizard. We haven't released the data publicly though as we haven't been able to verity a lot of it so we don't want to give out wrong info. I think matt's list is pretty much spot on though. Thanks for sharing. FYI you can punch in the full pcm calibration from that spread sheet, the tear tag or the strategy into our software. This can be useful if the stickers are partially missing/damaged.
  20. At this stage you need to send us your stock tune and we will send you back a custom OS based off that tune. We are finalising this being automated in the software so that in the next release you will just have a button you can press.
  21. We should be able to log all of that stuff. The issue will be figuring out exactly which variable is what. There are a few thousand values will be able to datalog out of the ZF.
  22. Hi Sam, I've just spoken to some of the workshops that know this information, they have all figured it out from first principles so it is a bit of a trade secret to them which we won't share. If you want to figure it out, what I would do is set some silly numbers in the different modes and one by one drive and switch through the modes until the silly shift map comes into play. It might take you a few hours but if you do this and are happy to share the information I'm sure others would be grateful. If I had a ZF myself this is how I would determine it. Otherwise there may be some other DIYers on here that would be happy to share. Cheers
  23. If you are getting the security error it means the drivers are working, usually that implies either the FEPS pin isn't working or a power issue. When it says "turn the ignition off and wait 3 seconds" etc, pull the cable from the OBD port and measure the voltage on pin 13, it should be 18v A lot of the cheap clone cables seem to blow up the FEPS pin fairly easily.
  24. It is supported, however it is quite slow compared to the others and the usb plug has a tendency to break. Do you have the J2534 driver installed?
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