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Everything posted by Roland@pcmtec

  1. ZF Adaptive takes at least 200km to fully learn the clutch pack wear so that seems like a reasonable request. Nothing wrong with the mk2 PCMs. As above, take it to a professional to diagnose properly www.pcmtec.com/workshops
  2. Interesting comment from a tuner today who was having issues with a BA stalling in 3rd gear when you clutch in, but not in 1st gear. His issue was the fuel cut re-enable RPM was quite low from the factory at 900 rpm. Typically in later model cars it is set a lot higher than this. As the fuel cut off doesn't occur in the lower gears it was not as noticeable. So if you have stalling issues when clutching in check the coasting fuel cut off enable rpm and raise it if its too low. auF0153 and auF0152
  3. If you are regularly tuning vehicles that have similar mods you may find yourself constantly re-using the same or very similar injector/spark/speed density tables (or many others). To speed this process up you can utilise the file compare feature and also parameter files. First we will show how to use the compare feature and what the various options do. Compare Window Step 1 is to open a file for a vehicle you are tuning. Step 2 click Compare/History If the file that is open is already tuned you will be greeted with a list of parameters that you have modified and their difference from factory/stock. In this example you can see the injector changes that have been made. From this page you can tick items manually and return them to stock in bulk by selecting the checkbox and pressing "Apply" Or you can use Ctrl + A to select all, then press space to tick the items You can also use Ctrl + Left Click and Shift + Left Click to select multiple items at once. Load Compare File Next you can compare the current file to another file by loading in a compare file via "Load Compare File" You will then be greeted with a "Partial Load" prompt. Partial load is asking do you want to see all differences between the two files regardless of if they have been "tuned" or not. No Partial Load: An example of when you would want to do this is you are comparing two stock files and you want to see everything that Ford changed from the factory. In this case press "No" Partial Load: The example where Partial Load is beneficial is if you are comparing a BF and an FG file and you know that the FG file you have modified the injector scalars. If you showed all differences the list would be huge. If you click "yes" you will only be shown the differences on values that have been modified. In this example you would only see the injector scalars which makes your job much easier. Now that you have loaded your compare file if you wanted to copy all values over quickly you can click anywhere in the compare window. Press Ctrl + A to select all items, then press space to select them. You can then use the keyboard to navigate (up/down/left/right) and press space to select/unselect items you want. Once you are happy you have selected all items you can press "Apply" to copy them across. Table History/Compare Next item we will visit is manually viewing these changes. For example if you have compared two tunes and the spark tables are different you can view these differences (and also the stock difference) by clicking the dropdown menu on the table. You can then press "apply" here to copy the differences over. Note to quickly navigate these changes press the page up/page down keys to toggle between stock/compare/current. If you decide you only want half of the changes for that table you can select the cells you are not happy with, right click and press "Return to Stock" Parameter Files Now we will discuss how to create parameter files and their uses. One common use case here is injector data. For example lets say you commonly use a specific injector and you want to quickly load this data in. First step is to open the base file with the injector data you want to save. Next select the checkboxes next to these injector values and press "Export To Parameter File" You will then be able to import these values into any tune file using "Import from Parameter File" There are variations on the above. Export All Changes To Parameter File This will export all values that you have modified in the tune to a parameter file. Eg any values that are different to stock. To check which values will be exported you can right click on the navigator and click "Only Show Parameters That Are Different To Stock" Your navigator will then hide all stock/factory values so you can see what has been changed (and hence what will be exported). Finally we have "Import Checked Items From Parameter/Tec File" If you click this it will only import the selected items assuming those items exist in the parameter file. If you load a tec file instead of a parameter file providing the file is of the same OSID it will always have the parameters available to import. Hopefully these tips help demonstrate how you can very quickly tune a vehicle by taking advantage of an existing database of parameter files for different parts.
  4. It's in the default.tlo layout file. Otherwise search for "engine speed"
  5. You have to re-pin the plug manually, but the output does exist on the PCM. Danny at Springy Performance does it all the time.
  6. You won't be able to see anything. If you open the tuner locked file the navigator will be empty like this. If you attempt to compare the file you will see this.
  7. Tuner lock is a widely debated feature however for many tuners it is a must. Tuner lock is a soft lock that will prevent other PCMTEC users from editing/viewing/datalogging your tune. This includes other competitors products as well. Tuner lock will prevent everyone including yourself from datalogging the vehicle and it will also prevent you from using the custom OS wizard. Hence it is recommended to only turn this feature on before it leaves the workshop. There is no cost to use tuner lock. Tuner lock requires the workshop edition to enable and at least the professional edition to overwrite. Enabling Tuner Lock To enable tuner lock, press "Calibration Tools" -> "Binary Tuner Locked (OSID Scramble) Active". Press "Yes" to save the file and the file will now be tuner locked. You can confirm by checking the Binary "Tuner Locked (OSID Scramble) Active". You should see there is a "✓" on the left hand side. Or you can check in the old place, "Custom Operating System Build Options" -> "Tuner Lock Enable/Disable". Now if any other users read this file they will be greeted with the following popup. Overwriting Tuner Lock If a car has come into your workshop that is tuner locked and you wish to tune the car you can overwrite the tuner lock with a stock file. To do this first read and save the tuner locked file ignoring the tuner lock warning. Ensure you read both the PCM and TCM if the vehicle is a ZF automatic. Next open Calibration Tools -> Create Stock File/Calibration Merge Next press "Create Stock File From Strategy or Catchcode" Now enter either the strategy or the tear tag for the vehicle. This can be located on the sticker in the drivers door. Next press "Create and Merge" Next press "Load File" loading the tuner locked file that was saved previously. Press "Save/Open File" Save the resulting file, open and license it (3 credits). Once licensed you will see the resulting file is completely stock with the VIN/VID Block and Serial copied from the tuner locked file. Please note that if you do not license the resulting file the VID block will show default values. Happy tuning!
  8. It is 32hz but it will cut out at idle etc so it would not be appropriate. Best option is to stage two pumps from the imrc output. We have set it up with an rpm and map pressure set point.
  9. As part of our custom operating system we have several features available which can be selected as part of the 5 credit "Standard Custom OS". One of these features is the "Speed Density via Map Sensor" which replaces the intake camshaft Y-Axis on the speed density tables with map pressure. For cars with locked camshafts this converts the speed density system to a traditional style VE table which allows for non linear airflow characteristics which are typical with large camshafts. For the layman this means you can easily fudge the fueling at low map pressures where you may be experiencing oscillation and reversion in the intake. Please note, this is ONLY possible with locked camshafts. If you are running VCT and you use this system and the camshaft goes into a full advance/full retard position due to a failure your fueling will be roughly 10-15% rich or lean as the VE has changed and the speed density system can no longer account for it. If you are using VCT stoppers to limit the range of motion this system may still work acceptably. This system also works for the 5.4 V8s with no VCT To enable this feature you require the workshop edition and a 5 credit "Standard Custom OS". First open the custom operating system wizard. Press Next Now you can enable any other Custom OS features you would like which are discussed in other guides. Press "Check License and Proceed" This will charge you 5 credits total for the vehicle (2 extra on top of the existing 3 credits). On the next page select "Speed Density via MAP Sensor" and press Next You will now see a summary where you can press "Finish". Now all of your speed density tables will have the intake camshaft angle replaced with map pressure. In the example below we have increased the resolution of the table as well which is useful for large camshaft engines spinning to 7250+ rpm. To tune this map we recommend datalogging the intake camshaft position (even though the camshafts are locked). In this example the intake camshaft was found to be measuring ~10 degrees. As the car was already running fairly acceptably at WOT it is recommended to copy the row from the old tune at 10 degrees to every row. As can be seen in the original file we have selected the row. Right clicked "copy" or Ctrl + C Then we opened the new file and pasted this row into the entire table. This must be done for the map slope tables and the map intercept at zero tables which can be seen below. Ensure you manually enter the new rpm columns if you have also changed the resolution. Map Slope Map Intercept Once you have done this to both the Slope of MAP and Map Intercept at Zero tables perform a WOT dyno run and you should observe identical load in the datalogger and identical fueling on your AFR plot as before the change. Once you are confident that the engine is running exactly the same as before you can start "fudging" the low kPa points of the tune where the large camshafts are causing reversion/oscillation and erratic fueling to achieve better drivability. Normally you must tune both the map intercept and the map slope tables. With this patch you can now tune just the map slope table which makes the process much easier. Happy datalogging! Update: For more information on how the factory speed density system works (required for VCT) please read this guide:
  10. You are posting on the wrong forum. Ask Forscan. We are not affiliated with them.
  11. Turn off LTFT when the ghost cams are enabled, this requires that your fuel injectors are dialed in within 5% with the ghost cam is disabled. Then make sure you lean it out at idle via the overlap SD adder so that it isn't pig rich. Finally I recommend setting up the camshaft timing rpm breakpoints so that at 500-600 you run -30 overlap (a reverse ghost cam). This will make the rpm kick back up if it starts to stall.
  12. In the BF it should effectively be. In the FGs there is a bit more logic going on that may cause it to still kick in. Check out this discussion for more information
  13. Nothing stopping doing that. Use the rescale wizard
  14. 9v is way too low. Anything less than 11v will reset the ECU. You likely have a dead battery. You can reconfigure the voltage look up table to use the e85 tables at 0v and 98 at 0.02 as a fail safe if you want.
  15. It's the bleed valve that is open /closed and indirectly the waste gate. 1.0 is 100% duty and hence maximum bypass or keeping the wastegate as closed as possible.
  16. Nice work @Puffwagon that should get a lot of people heading in the right direction.
  17. Version 1.23 is now out of Beta and can be downloaded from the website. This is primarily a maintenance release including 250+ bug fixes and also includes a number of new datalogging features/improvements. https://www.pcmtec.com/downloads Features: Editor Zoom level (via ctrl + mouse wheel) is now remembered on tables. Right click "Reset zoom state" for the default zoom level. "All Items" has been added back to the history/compare view. This combines PCM and TCM items Data logging Add priority messages menu option Allow user editing unit names for DLP and scalar names for PCM/TCM items. Improved detection of vehicles with corrupted/blank VIN and OSID. Bug Fixes: Editor TCM Recovery mode read (without PCM) would not allow saving now fixed. Issue reading TCM when PCM VIN was corrupted and the OSID was also corrupted. Compare would show ID and not name in some circumstances. Fixes to some allow certain Custom OS scalars to be added to flex/multi tune. Issue with Custom OS Wizard after pressing back/forward multiple time meant the wizard must be exited. Data logging Fix crash during loading layouts with invalid chart slots Fix crash when using parameter not available in current user level Remove spike during recording / playback when changing units Fix crash when zooming Fix parent tickboxes in scalar channel selection tree Fix crash connecting to DLP Fix right click chart replace clearing scalar list Make decimal places in legend match scalar list Keep current selections after changing priority or deleting scalar Fix zoom operations between scalar axis and time axis Fix cursor movements during log playback and large steps in data Fix ID naming in scalar list and chart Fixes for bulk change units operation Loading TCO layout file doesn't adjust min/max ranges DLP range from either lookup table, or range adjust window Fix up log search and recent log list Fix up freeze issues Fix multiple auto saves Remove lags with ticking/unticking items with saved files Fix unit conversion issues Fix pause / resume / clear operations A large number of other bug fixes that occur in very specific scenarios (100+) Future Releases: The Datalogger has a large number of features being developed. Including map tracing, histograms, improvements to charge layouts, alarm banners. Mustang datalogging will be coming soon. Future releases will also include a large update for Mustang and US F150 Support. We will be adding 2.3, 3.5 Ecoboost and 5.0 alpha support across the entire US/AUS/EUR Mustang and F150 range in the coming months. The editor will continue to receive new features as well such as 3D charts and other optimisations. We also have an employee working on a Custom OS for the Mustang/F150 platform which will include our multi map support. This will be coming hopefully around Christmas/New Year in it's first beta iteration.
  18. Danny Pirotta at Pirotta Performance is doing remote tuning/injector scaling for a fee. Send him a message and he can organise a time to remote in and dial the injectors in for you. He charges on a per car basis. He also does remote diagnostics and base tunes as well. https://www.facebook.com/pirottaperformance/
  19. Sounds like moisture in the coil cover or the coil drivers. Could be wiring as well if the engine has ever been out and you've accidentally crushed some cables.
  20. https://forum.pcmtec.com/topic/105-common-strategies-and-catchcodes/
  21. Auto cal has different dashpot and idle air tables to overcome the torque converter friction. As Darryl said a manual cal will work better assuming your clutch switch etc has been wired up correctly.
  22. Sounds like PATS is still enabled. If you have the workshop edition you can use calibration tools -> populate unlicensed file to view the files without licensing. If you only have professional you can enter the catch code/tear tag into the stock file wizard to compare/view the stock files. If you have enthusiast your only option is to license both files. You can always upgrade from enthusiast -> pro -> workshop for the difference in cost via the website as well.
  23. Guide on how to disable it here https://forum.pcmtec.com/topic/12-howto-stall-up-your-automatic/
  24. Unsure of the answer however either way I would not recommend simply swapping the tune without putting it on a dyno. The sprint runs very rich (to protect the cat) and imo has too much timing. The F6 tune is imo a better base if you put it on a dyno.
  25. Check the two camshaft errors. You might have a failing VCT actuator causing it to go into fault mode.
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